Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Enhancing Democracy in the United States of America Essay

Democracy: â€Å"1 a: government by the people ; especially : rule of the majority b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections 2: a political unit that has a democratic government† (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) With the 2008 elections fast approaching, and a highly fueled and hotly contested primary and general election campaign waning, the public is forced to consider the problems and opportunities in the American democratic system. Is there something wrong with the democratic system in the United States of America? If so, what? If there is a problem with democracy in America, what is it and how can it be fixed? The United States of America was born of an act of legislation designed to promote democracy. The United States has developed into a world superpower by enacting and enforcing legislation designed to enhance democracy. Today, legislation is passed by elected officials who then vote in national, state, and local legislative assemblies. In other words, voting and the electoral system, is the catalyst for maintaining democracy. The United States can improve democracy by improving the voting system that facilitates the democratic process. Federally mandated voter registration Today, many men are the beneficiaries of laws enacted giving their mothers the right to vote. All ethnic minorities are the beneficiaries of laws enacted giving African-Americans the right to vote. Voter registration is still optional, and considered a privilege. But now is the time to make voter registration a responsibility of all American citizens. Voter registration should be treated like Selective Service registration, a must for those who wish to receive any other benefits of citizenship including financial aid and government employment. It is not difficult to keep track of eligible voters, especially in this information age where all children are issued a social security number at birth. This process can be as simple as using the existing social security system to send registrations to those who have reached their 18th birthday and maintaining a national database similar to the social security and selective service rolls. Enforcement can be as simple as cross referencing social security numbers for registration upon application for jobs, financial aid, and public assistance. Compliance can be mandated by withholding benefits pending registration. This is a minimal effort and may not increase voter participation. But this registration plan could eliminate most existing barriers to voter registration. Federal authority over state and local elections This idea expands on the idea of the federal registration system. The Federal Elections Commission already exists. With electronic voting and reporting, federal authorities should require that all state and local elections comply with the same guidelines as national elections. This would work by applying residency requirements to both congressional elections and local elections. In other words, a person registered, residing, receiving benefits in Idaho cannot register to vote in local elections in Columbus, Georgia. This simply uses the wealth of electronic information captured on citizens to manage voting. This system would have to also account for citizens with multiple residences by requiring that everyone declare a primary residence which would be the location for their voting. If they know that they will be in a secondary residence at election time, the registration system should allow them to easily request absentee balloting which could be completed by mail or turned in at a local agency of the federal board of election. Citizen assemblies control re-districting activities Legislative assemblies and committees currently control political re-disctricting plans. In other words, elected officials decide when and how (and if) voters want, need, and get additional elected officials. Rapid economic development causes some districts to grow and change materially and demographically such that a single elected official cannot effectively serve the interests of the entire district. In that case citizens should have the right to send a message, at the voting booth, that they need additional representation. A citizen assembly should bring together elected and public officials, urban and economic planners, and affected citizens together to draw districting plans that represent the interests of all parties without compromising a sitting official’s position or ignoring a constituent’s special needs. A series of re-districting alternatives can be placed on the ballot for voters to decide. Voter responsibility education Schools should be required to include a course that teaches voting rights and responsibility as part of a social studies, American government, and civics curriculum. This course should be repeated at the university level to account for foreign students that will eventually become United States citizens. For older Americans who are beyond the educational system and for older immigrants, community based programs should be implemented that instill that voter registration is a responsibility of citzenship, not just an optional right or privilege. Tax deductible campaign donations Public financing for campaigns is generally not a tangible benefit for lower income voters. Many may see public financing as a way for candidates who do not have their interests in mind to advance their campaigns. Allowing federal and local tax deductions for small campaign donations can help to decrease feelings of disenfranchisement of lower income voters. They have the opportunity to directly support the candidate or issue of choice, and receive a ture public benefit (both the donation and the deduction). This could replace the current system and be managed at the federal level as well. Conclusion The United States can enhance democracy by modifying its election system. By placing activities such as deciding on political districts and adding value to campaign donations, voters are enfranchised in a greater way. Education makes citizens understand the benefits of voting. Consolidating the registration and polling makes the system as fair and not subject to less error. References democracy. (2008). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved October 13, 2008, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/democracy Gerkin, H. , et al. (2006). Six Ways to Reform Democracy. Boston Review, September/October 2006. Retrieved October 13, 2008, from http://bostonreview. net/BR31. 5/gerken. php

Contribute to the support of child and young person development Essay

1.2. Identify different observation methods and know why they are used Different methods of observations are appropriate for different situations. Narrative (AKA running records). This methods are the ones where you write at the time what children are doing, notice something interesting, or are looking for a specific skill or area of development, simply writing down what you see as is happening. This method is used as it can provide a rounded picture of a child, and no preparation is needed. Diary Is when a daily record is kept of what children have done. This is often shared with parents and is useful for children and young people who do not have speech, like a baby or a young person with learning difficulties. This method is used as it can help other to know what a child has been doing, and it also provides a long time record. Anecdotal These observations are the ones you have not actually seen but are points that others such as parents might tell you about, after something important or interesting has happened they can be written down in a diary or the child’s records. This method is used as it can help other to know what a child has been doing in a different situation. Time Sampling This observation allows you to look at what a child does over a period of time, such as morning or part of the afternoon. This method is used as it can provide a snapshot view of what the child doing and is also possible to record the activity of more that one child. Event Sample A prepared sheet is drawn up in advance considering carefully the type of information that needs to be collected. A column is put down for each piece of information. When the behaviour is seen, the person who has seen it should fill in the sheet, This method is used to look at how often and in what circumstances a child shows a particular behaviour. Checklist Check list are easy to use because they focus the observer on particular aspects of child development. This method is used as it is quick and easy to use, and you can repeat the assessment and see the differences. 3.1. Describe the different transitions children and young people may experience. Throughout childhood there are many different points when children have to cope with changes. Some changes are difficult for children such as when parents separate or when someone close to them dies. As a result of changes, some children’s development can be affected. They become afraid, tearful or on the other hand angry and frustrated. Knowing what type of transitions children might face can help us to support them. This table shows some of the more common transitions: Emotional Change in family circumstances Parents might separate, new people might join the family (step-brothers), siblings might no be born, some close to the child might become ill or die, families may become short of money or become wealthier, parents might start working away from home or longer hours, might lose their jobs or work from home. Changes in friendships A friend might move away, friendships might change. Changes in carers/practitioner Might change nanny, au pair or move childminder. Physical Change in location Might move area or country might move home. Physiological Changes in health and body Might become ill or develop a chronic medical condition that requires treatment. Going through puberty Intellectual Changes in setting (Each setting will have its own rules/style and expectations) Might move from pre-school or nursery, move from class, move schools, start going to breakfast or afternoon club. Other Daily transitions Moving from one setting to another as part of their routine, going to a club or lesson. Between carers Going between parents and practitioners. 3.2 Explain how to give adult support for each of these transitions. Emotional Change in family circumstances Work closely with parents and share information about the child’s needs, give them time to talk about what is happening, allow them to express their feelings, reassure them, look out form more information from specialist organisations. Changes in friendships Encourage children to express their feelings, help them make new friends. Changes in carers/practitioner Work closely with other practitioners to learn more about the child, and visit them so they can get to know them. Physical Change in location Work closely with parents, allow time to settle and talk about where they use to be or go, spend time getting to know each other to find out more about the child. Physiological Changes in health and body Work closely with parents, look for more information, allow time for questions, reassure. Intellectual Changes in setting (Each setting will have its own rules/style and expectations) Share information about children’s needs strengths and interests, meet the person who will be with them,, involve the children. Other Daily transitions Allow time to settle and adjust, give plenty of warning and avoid rushing them. Between carers Aim to be consistent, consider using a diary so everyone know what the child has done. 4.1. Explain how a work setting can encourage children and young people’s positive behaviour. In my work setting there is Positive Behaviour Policy that intents to manage children’s behaviours and has clear procedures that staff must follow to encourage positive behaviour and also to manage unwanted behaviour. There are many ways in which we can help children/young people to learn about positive behaviour. Positive relationships play a key part in behaviour because children and young people need support and attention. Therefore is important to take time to talk and have fun with children. In the work setting we encourage positive behaviour by meeting their basics needs and listening to children and valuating their opinions, children need to express their feelings. It also important to provide a stimulating and challenging environment, so children can enjoy and have fun while learning, we encourage this by planning the experiences well and giving children choices to allow children to learn about having some responsibility. Being inclusive and thinking about children as individuals and about what they need, showing positive behaviours such as kindness and taking turns and gentleness, also setting clear and fair boundaries that are right for their age. We reinforce positive behaviour by giving them praise, encouragements and rewards. We also encourage children to resolve conflict by themselves.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Foundations of the U.S. Federal Government Worksheet

Complete the chart below by identifying the three branches of government and their entities.U.S. ConstitutionTrue or False1. The Tenth Amendment limits the power of states. FALSE 2. The Constitution signed in 1787 contained the Bill of Rights. FALSE 3. The Constitution created a system of dual sovereignty, meaning the federal government has exclusive power in interstate commerce. True 4. The president and vice president are part of the legislative branch. FALSE 5. Congress can impose federal mandates, which require the state government to comply with its orders. True or FalseMultiple Choice6. The concept of dual federalism D: viewed federal and state power as fixedd. The Bill of Rights isC: the first 10 amendments to the Constitutione. The legislative branch is composed of which of the following:a. The House of Representatives and Senatef. The First Amendment of the Constitution regards which of the following:D: Freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, to assemble, and to petiti ong. The modern-day structure of categorical federal grants-in-aid came into being D: in the mid-1960sShort AnswerRespond to each question in 75 to 100 words.h. What are some of the historical events that shaped the formation of the U.S. federal government? Select one event you think had a major effect on the federal government. How does this event affect U.S. citizens today? A historical event would bei. Who were some of the early philosophical contributors to U.S. government? How did their ideas help shape the current government of the United States? Some early philosophical contributors were Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, that believed all men were created equal and jean-Jacques Rousseauj. Describe the historical role of the Supreme Court in federalism cases and the direction it has taken since 1990. The historical roles the Supreme Court took on federalism cases was changing the tenth amendment and revamping it so that it would be fair to all involved. It challenged both state and f ederal laws and eased out mixed signals and confusion brought on by the tenth amendment. Because of the Supreme Court, it reaffirmed laws such as limiting the Congress’s power over the interstate commerce and Gun Free Zones Act of 1990 that banned the possession of a firearm within feet of a school.k. What is the main function of the legislative branch? What role does the executive branch play in the formation of laws? Summarize how these two branches work together.The main function of the legislative branch is to pass laws and it also oversees the execution of these laws, while the executive branch main function is to execute laws created by Congress. The Executive branch is made up of the President and the Vice President and their main purpose is to execute the laws created by congress. The legislative branch is composed of the House of Representatives and the senate, these two make up Congress, who creates the laws.l. What is the role of the judicial branch? Who elects mem bers of this branch? Briefly describe the judicial process. The Judicial branch is made up of courts: the Supreme, Circuit, the magistrate, which is local, and Municipal (city) courts. This branch interprets the laws. State judges are elected by the citizens, rather than being appointed. Their duties include interpreting state laws, settling legal disputes, punishing violators of the law, hearing civil cases and protecting rights granted by the state constitution. They also determine the guilt and innocence of those accused of violating criminal laws of the state and they act as a check upon the legislative and executive branches of government.Short Essaym. In 250 to 300 words, define federalism and summarize its role relative to the current U.S. political climate.Federalism is a political system allows states united under a central government to maintain a measure of independence. This basically means that it allows each state to have their own set of laws but everyone follows the laws of the nation. There are certain things that can be done in Louisiana that are illegal in Texas. In some states it’s legal to have medicinal marijuana but not in Louisiana and in other states a man can be legally married to a man but in Louisiana their marriage is not considered legal. This among other things is made possible because of federalism

Monday, July 29, 2019

Catherine the Great Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Catherine the Great - Research Paper Example khail, Peter I, known as Peter the Great, who nearly transformed the backward country into a major power by the early eighteenth century – he succeeded in reforming both the army and administration, created the Russian navy, encouraged trade and secular education, as well as introduced Western technology (Hatt 12). The Church had been deprived of its privileges and was largely subordinated to the state; while the power of the Russian nobles – boyars – was also curbed (Hatt 12; Williams 343-345). Following the victory over Sweden in the Great Northern War, Russia expanded into the northwest, conquering the Neva valley, along with the other Baltic provinces of Sweden, like Ingria, Estonia, Livonia, Vyborg, and part of Karelia; the fort, whose construction had begun in a desolate area of marshland nearby the mouth of the Neva River in 1703, some nine years later became the capital city of the Russian empire under the name St Petersburg (Williams 345; Hatt 12). Peter the Great died before he could name his successor – some six years after the death of his son Peter, by his second marriage – so the son of Tsarevich Alexis, and Peter the Great’s grandson, became the emperor of Russia as Peter II (Williams 346). During his short reign dominated by two powerful magnates’ factions – the Menshikov and Dolgoruky factions – Russia played a rather passive role abroad (Williams 346). Peter II died before he could marry Dolgoruky’s daughter , Catherine, and was succeeded by the niece of Peter the Great, Anna Ivanovna (Williams 346). Under Empress Anna, Russia was ruled by her favorite, Birone; at home, this period was characterized by a decreased Crown control over the nobility, while abroad Russia gained control over Poland in the war of the Polish succession, as well as over Azov in the Russian – Turkish war of 1735-9 (Williams 25). One year after her death, i.e. in 1741, a palace coup carried out by the guards of the Preobrazhenskii regiment overthrew

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The effects that standardized tests have on america's students Research Paper

The effects that standardized tests have on america's students - Research Paper Example Consequently, many people and various organizations have used the term for a long time to advocate for as well as champion for their rights, thereby making the word very powerful. For instance, various women’s suffrage, Civil Rights movements, among others have fought for equality for the human race no matter black or white, male or female, rich or poor just to mention a few. In America, the standards – based educational reform introduced the standardized tests in order to raise America’s standard of achievement in the education sector. This has been part of American education system from the 1800s and its use increased in 2002 after enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) that mandated yearly testing within the 50 states (McMeans 5). According to James Popham, former president of the American Educational Research Association, standardized tests refers to tests administered, scored, and later interpreted in a predetermined and standard manner (Higgins 12 ). The policy accorded high priority student performance with the aim of increasing student and school performance, thereby preparing American students to compete favorably for opportunities on the international stage. Proponents argue that standardized tests entail a fair as well as objective means of examining student achievement (Phelps 23). This makes schools and teachers more accountable to the taxpayers who are the parents. Therefore, standardized tests promote equality among students ensuring that all Americans pass a given tests in order to move to the next level. Despite the support and recognition given to standardized tests and the equality, it proves ambiguous since logically it is unattainable on earth. This is because when it is pursued beyond excellence or freedom, it can turn out to be very dangerous (Stahlman 242). The dangers of championing for equality beyond excellence are displayed in the story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†, written by Kurt Vonnegut. However, opponents of standardized tests claim that the tests are neither objective nor fair and that their use encourages a narrow curriculum as well as drill like teaching to the test situation (Visone & EdD 95). Moreover, the tests compromise the ability of America to produce critical thinkers and innovators. Vonnegut in his story â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† clearly dwells on the theme of the dangers of total equity. He asserts that absolute equality is not a perfect and worth striving for by human beings (Dougherty 176). This is because it is a misguided goal that proves dangerous both in the execution and in its outcome. Therefore, the search for equality above excellence or freedom is very dangerous. This is because application of equality in some situations and in areas that it cannot and should not exist might restrict excellence as well as liberty (Harris, Bruce & Harris 56). This is because in life human beings are not equal in some things and will never be. According to Abraha m Lincoln’s speech during the Declaration of Independence, people are not equal in size, colour, moral development, intellect, as well as social capacity (Crossley 2). Therefore, the fact remains that human beings are different in various things, in both physical and mental realms, and thus it is impossible to achieve total equality. Thus, just like in the Vonnegut’s story, standardized tests promote absolute equality. This is dangerous due to several

Saturday, July 27, 2019

European Union Competition Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

European Union Competition Law - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the process has to be facilitated by EU vertical agreements and guided by the Competition law between the local distributors and the producers seeking new markets. The efficient distribution accompanied with proper after and pre-sales support makes part of pro-competitive process which ends up benefiting consumers. However, the vertical agreements between distributors and producers may also lead to the continuation of market partitioning and act as barriers to new entrants whose presence would have intensified the market competition and resulted in a declining pressure on prices. Thus the vertical agreements between distributors and producers can therefore be used in a pro-competitive way so as to promote the market’s efficient distribution and integration. The differences in prices among Member States that still exists offer incentives for new companies to access markets and also form barriers against new competition. This trend is as a result of the vertical agreements and constraints being pro-competitive in most cases. Enforcement priorities, modernization and more focus being put on effects has led the Competition Law actions to shy away from such agreements and lean towards restrictive practices which it considers being more serious. Since the enactment of Regulation No. 1/2003 as well as the prior notification requirement abolition, the EU Competitive Law decisions regarding vertical agreements have been almost non-existing concerning the Court of Justice litigation on this issue. 3. Following this premises, and without including the developments of major case laws in the adaptation of the new vertical agreement framework, the Law had correctly assumed that the Regulation No. 2790/1999 had come up with a system that was working smoothly. Consequently, the Regulation No. 330/2010 gave a full exemption to particular vertical agreement categories included with new guidelines4. Vertical agreements that ar e normally concluded between limited market power companies and lack competition hardcore restrictions are normally alleged to be pro-competitive and hence are covered by generalized exemption. Cross agreements which do not qualify according to exemptions do not face automatic prohibition but included as considering the vertical agreements beneficial effects, the undertakings and turnover should not undergo different treatment. Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) The EU Competition law has had remarkable impacts on vertical agreements including the way it affects the RPM5. Most lawyers and economist have argued that the Competition Law has had pro-competitive effects on RPM in relation to vertical agreements. The Supreme Court had a take in this during the Leegin case where it ruled to its favor but with a weak majority. The Competition Law has had both anticompetitive and pro-competitive affects on RPM but the situations leading to pro-competitive effects have proved to be of great sign ificance to vertical agreements. In a situation where there the RPM is strict, free-riding problems can be easily overcome in situations where pre-sale services are offered to consumers by retailers and go ahead to impact such services on the price6. In a similar situation, another retailer may resolve on doing away with the pre-sale services, hence ends up bearing the additional costs but supplies goods at a price that is reduced by taking advantage of the other retailers move to provide pore-sale services. In other

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Korean War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Korean War - Essay Example That policy was reiterated in 1945 at the Yalta Summit. It was further agreed that until Korea became independent, it would be under the joint trusteeship of the United States, China, and the Soviet Union. 1 The world's first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan on 6 August 1945; Russia entered the war on 8 August; and the Japanese surrendered on 14 August. With the sudden and unexpected Japanese surrender, there was great haste to cobble together plans to accept the surrender of Japanese field forces and to disarm them. The opportunistic Soviet declaration of war on Japan, coming two days after the first atomic bomb was dropped, made it necessary to agree on a line of demarcation between the zones within which the United States and the Soviets would accept the Japanese surrender. The U.S. State Department wanted the American zone to be as far north on the mainland of China as possible, including key points in Manchuria. The Army did not want to go into an area where few other forces were close at hand. In the planning for the surrender, two young American colonels, Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel, from the War Department's Operations and Plans Division (OPD), were assigned the task of findi ng a line. Neither was particularly knowledgeable about Korea or the Far East, although Rusk had served briefly with Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell in China during the war. They retired to an office and pondered over a National Geographic map. The Army wanted to have two ports, Inchon in the north and Pusan in the south. North of Inchon, there did not seem to be any natural geographic division. They settled on the thirty-eighth parallel. The Soviets agreed. Later Rusk learned that in the early 1900s, the Russians and japanese had, initially, proposed the thirty-eighth parallel as the dividing line between their respective spheres of influence. There has since been suspicion that the Soviets took agreement on the thirty-eighth parallel to be an acknowledgment of their historic sphere of influence.2 The U.S. XXIV Corps came ashore at Inchon to carry out the U.S. occupation mission. The Soviet Army moved down from the north, closed on the thirty-eighth parallel, and sealed the border. All subsequent attempts to proceed with a coordinated policy toward Korea failed. The occupation was not a happy task. Lieutenant General John R. Hodges, the XXIV Corps commander, called it the worst job he ever had. The troops disliked it intensely. In Japan, one commander addressed his incoming troops, warning them to behave and saying that they had only three things to fear -- diarrhea, gonorrhea, and Korea. In the south, the Koreans were not willing to wait for "due course" to achieve freedom and independence. They wanted it right away. And there were competing groups of all political stripes ready to take on the job. 3 The wisdom of maintaining American troops in Korea was questioned almost from the very start. To the Joint Chiefs, the troops were needed elsewhere. In the years that followed, with the Cold War becoming more frosty, force levels dropping, and other needs increasing, the question became more urgent. It was not a decision easily made. An ongoing discussion of the subject continued from 1947 to 1949. It revolved around the strategic value of Korea, its political importance, and its importance in contributing to U.S. prestige. In April 1947, the joint Strategic Survey Committee noted, "This is one country within which we alone have for almost two years carried on ideological warfare in direct contact with our ideological opponents so that to lose this battle would be gravely detrimental to the United States prestige and therefore security." 4The State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (prior to the formation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) concluded: ". . . the U.S. cannot

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Organizational Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Organizational Design - Essay Example Thus structure has a key role in the all-important human dimension of an organization. In recent time, due to failure of old organizational structures new structure though unconventional, coming up. The main criteria for design principal of organizations are speed, flexibility, integration and innovation. Recent time, organizations becoming complex in nature and built upon a foundation composed of purpose and core values but most of them change due to learning response to past weaknesses but nothing significant change in the organizational design has happened which could be termed as path breaking or truly innovating. Another form of Organizational Structure i.e., "Citizen cell structure" (Law, 1998) has been developed in which each cell is self managed by group of 35 people that is able to develop in its own way rather like a micro culture which mirrors the overall culture of the company. The cells keep in touch and in harmony with each other and the overall philosophy of the company by sharing information. If the cell grows successfully than it splits and forms two new cells. Each new cell then is responsible for its new growth and development. This type of structure of the organization supports its dynamic, interactive, team working approach, which is a perfect example of a complex adaptive system operating in the creative zone. (Lewin & Regine, 1991 p. 105). Complex forms of organization have the structure having following characteristics i.e. non-linear, non-hierarchical, holistic, self-organizing, flexible, diverse and networked. Lot of organizational design and structures have been adopted and tested around the world by the organizations nowadays and it has been changing accordingly all the time according to needs of the organizations. Basically it has been understood by the organizations as well as those leading it that nature of the organizations and designs must be understood properly by them and the importance or organizational designs to play in improving performance, sustainability and satisfying human dimensions. Now scanning through the different theories and concepts of structure and designs for the organizations, in the present circumstances of Riordan we can analyze which design will be best suited to the organization. In my opinion Riordan is complex organization and must have non-linear, non-hierarchical, holistic and flexible structure. Riordan must adopt "Citizen Cell Structure" because of its specialty and major emphasis on the teamwork and team building and diverse nature of operations. Riordan has already have three plants located in different locations and its R&D Department & H.O. located in same location. Its customer base is also diversified from Auto industry to Government department as well as manufacturing organizations and beverage organizations. To cater the needs of different customers and to provide better services to them, the Riordan must form the team for different customers having complete responsibility as well as have flat structure with decentralized decision mak ing. Then all the units must be networked and all the groups must maintain the main goals, values as well as ethos of the organization. The team must provide complete solutions to their customers and will be responsible for decisions. They must be innovative to provide innovative ideas, solutions to their

NUTRITION RELATED DISEASE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 5

NUTRITION RELATED DISEASE - Research Paper Example There are two types of nutrients, macronutrients and micronutrients. Macro nutrients provide the bigger part of energy required by the organism’s metabolic functions, whereas micronutrients provide the required cofactors for metabolism to take place. The chart below indicates various sources of foods and nutrients. Food borne illness is also referred to as food poisoning. It is any illness that is resulting from consuming, viruses, parasites pathogenic bacteria, natural or chemical toxins which contaminate the food. On the other hand a nutrient related disease results from inadequate or excessive nutrient and food intake resulting to unhealthy conditions like rickets, obesity and kwashiorkor (Archeson, Thorpe, 2013). Food that is safe is important so as to avoid instances of food poisoning, spread of microbiological dangers which include bacteria such as Salmonella. Food contaminants are mostly responsible for spoiling or tainting food and they contain such microorganisms as bacteria, parasites and other toxic substances (Archeson, Thorpe, 2013). Food contaminants usually can cause serious issues and thus resulting in diseases that every year affects an approximately 76,000,000 million people in the US and at the same time leading to over 325,000 hospitalizations and over 500 deaths. Thus awareness of possible sources of foodstuff contaminants is a crucial element as far as good nutrition is concerned. A food additive is any stuff added to foodstuff. If it’s for a direct purpose the additive is known as a direct additive such as the low-calorie sweetener aspartame mostly used in beverages, yoghurt, puddings and chewing gum (Cliver, Rieman, 2002). Several direct additives are mostly found on the ingredient tag of foodstuffs. On the other hand, indirect additives become an aspect of foodstuff in small due to the way it is stored, handled and packed. Additives are important because they impart and maintain required

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Role of technology and Cultural Competence Essay

Role of technology and Cultural Competence - Essay Example Teaching practices have become more efficient and effective, alongside enhancing creativity and innovativeness in the application of these technologies by students. Moreover, shifts in teaching paradigms have been realized (Bates & Poole, 2003), allowing both teachers and students to counter emerging negativities related to technology in the teaching and learning context. Cultural, social, economic, and political factors influence education in variant ways. In this respect, the assertion that public education responds primarily to political, not economic forces generates a critically arguable statement. Personally, public education addresses more than just the political factor. There are many and different stakeholders involved in the operationalization of the education sector (Prensky, 2008). On the same note, the teaching and learning environment is characterized by diverse players that exhibit differentiated interests in an education context. It is hardly arguable that all these stakeholders are politically motivated. Therefore, public education encompasses many forces, both political and economic included. The contemporary classroom environment within and across countries is characterized by cultural diversity. Multiculturalism in the global context has become essential as the internet breaks local, regional, national, and international boundaries (Montgomery, 2001). Teaching and learning practices are increasingly becoming influenced by multiculturalism, following the opening up of education to the international community. In American context, the classroom environment is made up of domestic and international students (Irvine & York, 2001). Their coexistence is coherent when multiculturalism in play. Multiculturalism informs the manner in which global diversity is being dealt with. (Paley, 1992; Gurian & Kathy, 2004) contends that the internet has enhanced global interconnectedness, thereby raising the significance of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Harms In Keeping Animals for Human Food Consumption Term Paper

Harms In Keeping Animals for Human Food Consumption - Term Paper Example This essay stresses that when people keep animals for food consumption, they create balance within the environment. The ecosystem needs to be balanced at all times through a cycle of the rearing and consumption of animals. Humans need to do their part by keeping animals for food just as the Lions help maintain the ecosystem of the Wild in check. Domestic animals such as cattle, poultry, and pigs play a primary role in the nourishment of the environment through their waste in terms of their droppings and carcasses. This paper makes a conclusion that it is wrong to compare animals with human beings, particularly when it comes to the keeping of animals for food. Unlike people who have compassion towards one another, animals depend solely on instinct even though they also feel pain. The pain of an animal cannot be compared to the pain of a human being. In addition, vegetarians and animal rights activists should, under no circumstances, term the killing animals for food as inhumane. Animals do not undergo torture in the butcheries, but rather they die fast because of the technological means of their execution. In considering both perspectives on animal rearing for food, animals should be kept for food consumption, particularly because of the benefits of such a practice. Although some skepticism regarding the keeping and consumption of animals, animals provide better protein, than plants, and they can service in harsh environments.

Monday, July 22, 2019

History of Security in the United States Essay Example for Free

History of Security in the United States Essay Abstract Security in America has evolved from the time of the first settlers to today’s well-trained forces. Factors leading to the significant growth of private security from pre-Civil War to post World War II consisted of a lack of public police and large monetary loss by private industry. Today, security is global and faces challenges and changes, with increases in terrorism and technology crimes. It must maintain a high level of professionalism and maintain technological innovation remain a respected industry. History of Security in the United States Nineteenth Century The nineteenth century saw the private security industry fill in many of the gaps left by public law enforcement in both manpower and ingenuity. The development of public police forces was slow in the infancy of the United States. In the latter half of the 1800’s, police departments were fragmented, decentralized and often corrupt, creating a need for private security. The American frontier saw an extreme shortage of law enforcement, as they had to resort to deputizing civilians and forming posses. Citizens often had to resort to vigilante justice due to a lack of law enforcement. In 1850, Henry Wells and William Fargo established American Express and Wells Fargo cargo companies and in 1851 Allen Pinkerton established the first national private security and investigations service (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10). Pinkerton provided security and investigative service to the railroad, offered private detective services and was actually the intelligence arm of the Union Army during the first half of the Civil War. In 1853 August Perry patented the first burglar alarm followed by Edwin Holmes in 1858, who produced the first central station burglar alarm. That same year, Washington Perry Brinks introduced the armored carriage for the transportation of valuables and money (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 10). Twentieth Century The quelling of labor unrest brought about a poor reputation to private security leading up to the Great Depression. Decades earlier, industries such as manufacturing, transportation and mining turned to agencies like Pinkerton for not only asset protection, but also to combat labor violence and break strikes. There were numerous violent incidents involving strikes resulting in civilian injury, deaths and job losses. One incident in particular was the Homestead Strike of 1892 in Pennsylvania, which culminated in a gun battle between Pinkerton agents and the strikers (Lipson, 1988). Incidents such as this eventually led to private security being viewed as ‘Knights of Capitalism’ by the public. Security companies were banned from carrying weapons and crossing state lines to break strikes in some states (Joh, 2006). There was a decline in the employment of private security during the Great Depression. According to The HUB, â€Å"There seems to be some controversy as to whe n the first proprietary security forces arose, but many sources attribute Henry Ford as the man who refined ‘in house’ security to factory work. As the automobile gained popularity so the industries providing the necessary materials for the factories producing them across the nation needed and utilized private security personnel. With the high unemployment and possibility of crime due to the Great Depression, private security further embedded itself within industry† (Hub pages, There was an expansion of private security leading up to and during World War II due to infrastructure, military and industrial security concerns. Post World War II saw an increase in the professionalism of private security, as returning veterans with military police experience began to seek employment in the security industry. Anti-espionage procedures established by the government during World War II carried over into the Cold War era, with the government insisting on a quality security force and plans, to protect defense contractors and government assets. The private security industry followed the government’s lead, thus entering the era of the security manager (Hub pages, The security industry increased in size in the mid twentieth century, as did the crime rate and police were unable to protect private property. Many organizations realized the value of protecting their personnel and property during this time. In 1955, the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) was formed and today is the world’s largest organization of security professionals. ASIS continues to formulate security policy and direct security programs in a vast number of businesses, industries and government operations (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 11-12). In 1970, private security continued to grow and matched the number of police personnel at 500,000. In 1976, the Task Force Report on Private Security was published and it was addressed for the first time that private security was an essential element to public safety. The Task Force recommended that the private sector be encouraged to nurture and improve the quality of security services and work with law enforcement to fight crime. This created an environment that saw the security industry continue to grow due to concerns over increased crime and limited law enforcement resources. By 1991, the number of security personnel had nearly tripled that of law enforcement and by the year 2000, private security personnel numbers rose to two million, clearly showing private security is the primary protective service (Ortmeirer, 2009, pg. 6-7, 13). Future The private security industry has made giant steps since the nineteenth century. It is clear from history that the private security industry must continue to complement the public police forces by providing innovative and needed support to industry and government. It must maintain and constantly improve upon its procedures and training, to keep the respect of the public, which it currently commands. It must above all remain one step ahead in today’s technological world, as M. Lipson (1988) stated, â€Å"The history of the ancient craft of private security may be illustrative of opportunities for those of the industry with foresight† (Lipson, 1988). It is crucial private security continue with its current expertise in antiterrorism and computer security operations. It is also imperative private security continue to foster the close, post-911relationships that were developed with law enforcement, from federal to state to local police agencies, to successfully move into th e future. References Joh, E.E. (2006). The Forgotten Threat: Private Policing and the State. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 13(2), 364. Lipson, M. (1988). Private Security: A Retrospective. Annals Of The American Academy Of Political Social Science, 49811-22. Ortmeirer, P.J. (2009). Introduction to Security. Prentice Hall. The Hub (2009). (Hub pages,

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Gettysburg Address Analysis

The Gettysburg Address Analysis The famous Gettysburg Address was a speech made by Abraham at the November 19, 1863. At dedication of Soldiers National Cemetery, a cemetery for Union soldiers killed at the battle of gettysburg during American civil war. And what I found interesting g This speech was not going to be one of the most important at that day! However, it was a motivational speech for the citizens of the United States of America. It was a speech made in a time of confusion and sadness for them which generates hope and motivation in them. He was talking about some important issues as the equality of all people making it one of the most recognized speech by the United States, and for some other countries it has been known as a popular and perfect speech Lincoln has done. Gettysburg Address Lincoln spoke to the nation about the past and history; spoke of the nation as a unit as everybody together and gave the nation hope and faith. In a speech that was comprised of only 10 sentences and 272 words. Lincoln was able to strike that would resonate not only with his audience but one that would resonate through time. First one important meaning of Mr. Lincolns speech and which introduced what he will say, he was talking about the history of the nation, giving the nation a national history lesson beginning of what was before, what was at that moment and what will be using the syntax with three different paragraphs, using pause to show clearly the major ideas. He was talking about conceived nation, and more importantly. The country conceived in liberty, in base on and naming the ancestors and the founding fathers, who created a nation with freedom, as an example he said our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty. Reminding everyone how the nation started, how at that moment the people were and how they will do what they will. In addition, the second most important theme is that the Gettysburg Address was talking of the nation as a unit. He is using repetition with the words we, us, people, our, for example, he said, We are met on a great battle-field (Abraham Lincoln Outline). He was showing the audience that everybody is the same, and everybody is at the same level with the same importance. Mr. Lincoln also touched a very important point for anyone since he understood that everyone is equal, and in any situation, the nation will be a unit nation, in which everybody together will help each other equally. He also used several words of the Bible, and knowing that the United States is one of the countries with most Christianity in the world, he knew that will unite them even more, because they felt as one region, as a biblical unity, which will succeed. The President ends by talking of God. and a new type of freedom for the people of the United States by the will of those people and those they have elected to govern the country. The words are also reminiscent of the start of the Constitution We the People. Finally, another important theme in Lincolns speech is that he as knowledgeable person talked about the future, he was talking again with biblical words, as an example he said, We cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow (Abraham Lincoln Outline). He was talking also about freedom, liberty, honor, he was giving the nation new hope; therefore, he changed his mood and tone to create attitude and to change audiences attitude, giving to that part of the needed importance. The speech was also inspiring them to get new goals everyone together as a unit, making them sure they could not stay there and they had to move forward, to understood that things should not stayed there and in a large sense the nation, they had had a new birth and had a new start ahead with goals and hopes for the future. In closing, Mr.Lincolns speech The Gettysburg Address was a speech that is not too long and took the attention of many people, taking their hearts, remembering things of the past, talking about a present what they were living and speaking of a future that will arrive with hope, he also spoke of unity and equality, that all people are equal; therefore, they should not left things there in opposite go ahead for new things, realizing that they had a new birth where they could begin again to improve. It was an encouraging speech for the United States, in which Lincoln was known as a normal person, just like other citizens with goals for the future, giving the nation the encouragement they needed, and helping them to be the nation they are now, with a lot of successful and with a good future ahead. He finishes with a powerful triple that has become famous throughout the world: of the people, by the people, for the people. And I guess this is the real definition of democracy.

Role Of Editors And Editing Styles Film Studies Essay

Role Of Editors And Editing Styles Film Studies Essay In the early Stages, editing was done, with the help of mechanical equipment that appropriately put together linearly edited reels. The digital revolution and technological advances have magically simplified the post-production process. With various types of easy, interactive software applications, editing is not restricted to professionally trained editors and apprentices, but also made it possible for film students, amateurs and one-time users to edit their own film or video productions. With technology advancing in the speed of light-years, editing in film and TV production has gained a pivotal role. This research paper focuses more on editing styles, and the role of editors in film, and also about various editing techniques used in the film. This Paper focuses on the study of editing and about the various techniques and different features of editing. This research is also focused on the role of editing in film making like how editing make the film more effective. So this dissertation is concentrated on definition of editing types, how editing differ in various film genre, Importance of camera a shots and angles Study about editing The paper states that how film get life in the editing room. Also how editing makes the film more effective This research helps to study the editors mind and how the editors are playing with the shots to make the film better. The dissertation makes every one to understand the basic concepts and importance of editing in filmmaking Editing is an art we can play around it. The editing has its own principles. The editing has its own reason for every cut and every transition, effects and all. In the editing room the film has rearranging by the sequence, scene, shot, take we can see all this aspects detail in following research. Introduction Chapter 1 | Introduction Editing is one of the challenge aspects in film making. The films are getting their full forms in editing room. In the process of film making editing plays the major role. I will say that editing is the backbone of the film. Most of the people will compare the filmmaking process to the birth of the baby. Regarding this example the filmmaker is the father of the film but the editor plays the role of the doctor who makes the baby born safely to the world. The film is the huge aspect when the concept is rising from the creator mind and till it delivered to the people it crossing various levels. Once the film enter inside the editing room are in editing level thats the turning point of the film. The flow, tempo, screenplay, and more things are getting entered in side the film like the ingredients in the cake Most of the people think that the editor will do the rearrange the shots in order. Of course the editor will do the rearrangement, but he do lot of things more than that to make the film better to the audience. Every editor is differing from one another and every editor has their own way of editing style. In the film making the producer, the writer, the director, the cinematographer the actor and the editor plays the key role. The other people also contribute a lot. The editor role starts once when the production begins. He will be making a rough assembly of shots. Thus how the editor begins in the film making. When production get over the editor starts his assault with film. He plays with the shots to find the continuity and the connectivity between the sound and the visual of the film this will create the dramatic way of filming. It makes the film more effective. The editors are very important to make a film more emotions. He makes the audience to forget the cut of the shots. Thus he achieves his goal. The editor, the director and the producer are the three points to make the triangle called film. Here the editor has to know the thoughts of the director and t he producer. The other two the same they all have to read the other two people this make the edit in rhythmic way. Mark berger who was the re-recorder mixer on apocalypse now states that learning about the techniques of postproduction is similar to learning about the techniques of classical music (Declan mcgrath -editing post-production screen craft 1998) 1. | Aim The dissertation aim is to critically evaluate how editing makes the film more effective 2. | Objectives Short history Definition of editing Types of editing Analyze the aspects of editing Role of editing in films Principles of editing To analyze the films which awarded for editing To analyze the film which failed because of editing The film editors point of view 3. | statement of the problem To evaluate is the editing makes the film more effective. 4. | significance of the study This research paper will make clear the concept of editing. And the researcher can know more about the editing. I like to be an editor so it will support me a lot. This research is not only to study the editing. It explore the editor mind and editing concepts to the world Most of the people are thinking editing is just a job this research states them its not only a job its a creative art. This brief research will tell about this creative art this research is helpful do my project. And become an editor. This paper will help the people who are trying to be a good editor and to achieve their goal. It will be the direction board for new editor. It helps to change the concept of editing in peoples mind. It makes the editor to view the film in different perspective. The research helps the editor to study the filmmakers mind and give the exact cuts for their films. 5. | Research Questions What is editing? What are the types of editing? Is their any common rules followed by editors? How editing differ in various genre? How editing controls the tempo of film? How editing make the film better to view with more interest? How films are awarded in the categories of editing? How to study the filmmakers mind? Is editing took place more than the script? Is editors own style of cut make s the film good or bad? Chapter 2 Review of Literature Chapter 2 | Review of Literature In this fast moving world peoples took a short period of time for their entertainment. Film is one of the biggest entertainments for the people. So is our duty to give a quality entertainment film to the people. For this editing helps out a lot to achieve the full quality full length film. The literature which tells about the editing and it types, the history of editing and how it evolved from the past to present, the technique and principles of editing, tells whos the editor?, what he does? , whats his role in the film? And more 1. | Literature Review Film and video editing  By Roger Crittenden in the year 1995, this book gives the detail study of the film and technology of editing, the editing procedures, languages in editing. Its a great book to know about the editing in every perspective. And also he given the great examples from the past and the present film which shows the editors cut On film editing: an introduction to the art of film construction By Edward Dmytryk in 1984. It is a great book which shows the editing in all terms with the examples. The book tells the editor to what he wants to do in editing. Also the book has a great introduction. It covers the techniques and principles of editing. Film editing: history, theory and practice: looking at the invisible By Don Fairservice. In 2001. The book tells the challenging aspects of editing from the beginning to now. It tells the history and how the editing evolves and a detailed study about various aspects of editing. The technique of film and video editing: history, theory, and practice By Ken Dancyger third edition 2002. This book tells the editing in editors point of view. This book covered from the history techniques followed by the editors. It expresses the principles and way to cut for the different genre of films. Its the great book and inspiration for all the editors and directors. This book tells the ideas and the styles of the editors. The book can easily understandable. The technique of film editing  By Karel Reisz, Gavin Millar in 1953, it is an inspired book which states all the form of editing in simple way to all the people who wants to know about the film and the editing. It feeds the history definition, practice, principles, techniques, every aspects of editing. And it tells who the editor is. Its a great book for everyone. Nonlinear editing basics: electronic film and video editing By Steven E. Browne in 1998, the book states the editing basics. It tells all the technical basics of non-linear editing. Where it has to use? And it tells the different aspects of nonlinear editing. This book is the best guidance for the editors to non linear cut. In the Blink of an Eye: Second Edition Walter Murch in 2001. This book gives a nice ride to the editing world. Walter murch given this book in different perspective, He expresses the continuity and discontinuity in editing, dreaming and waking reality; the book states the emotional, technical aspects of editing. Nonlinear editing: storytelling, aesthetics, and craft By Bryce Button in 2002. This book is very use ful to all the editors. And it conveys the editors for their tools and techniques. And it tells the readers the importance of the emotion, timing the cut and the exact flow and pace. Film editing: the art of the expressive By Valerie Orpen in 2003. This book gives a simple introduction to the craft of editing in the non-silent film; the other tells the editing is very expressive. She examines the editing from the silent cinema. The Eye is Quicker: Film Editing Making a Film Better Richard D. Pepperman 2004 the most comprehensive book on the principles, methods, and strategies vital to the creative art of film editing. It shows how editing can make the film better. The Film Editing Room Handbook: How to Tame the Chaos of the Editing Room  by Norman Hollyn in 2009. The reader will get full vision of film making from this book. This book states the each and every aspect in film making process. It tells the work flow and how the film is edit in the cutting room. What the editor will do? Its a great book the reader can get many things about the filming and filming process from this book. Editors guild magazine by the editor deba neil (vol.25, no2-march/april 2003) she tells her different experience in different film genre. How the cut differ from the various type of films. Film editing: Tips and techniques for creating a compelling story by andy coughlan. The review tells about the editors must under stood the directors mind and the script. Also it tells some working tips in editing the site tells about the editing techniques and two basic methods to edit the film. And also states some ideas to edit the film. Copyright  © 2007 by Christina B. Douglas the site states about the editing in editors point of view. She explores her thoughts about the editing here and makes sense what is editing to the people. Copyright  © 2010 Film editing is the only art that is unique to cinema, and it covers about the editing and its history. And more about the editing concerns. The above literature review helps this paper to evolve more and know more about the editing and filmmaking aspects. All the above books, reviews and sites are the guidance for this research paper. All the above literatures are inspired me to know more about the editing and experience the art and craft of editing. Research Methodology Chapter 3 | Research Methodology This paper carries the qualitative and quantitative process. The content and the other concerns for this research paper from the secondary source like literature, article, websites, books and forums for the qualitative and the interview and survey for the quantitative. The research for this paper will base on this resource on both qualitative and quantitative. It explains about the editing and it helps to know more about the various phenomena of editing. The resources here is used to make this research to states the following editing aspects in both qualitative and quantitative research Based on the research paper to tell and know about the editing Definition, History, Types, Rules and Techniques, editing language, types of cut, about editor, about cutting room, tells how cut differ from films and editors, and more The paper will be reviewing the films which awarded for editing. And more other films based on editing In the quantitative research the research paper states the editors mind. And their own fun and works in films through cut. And to find the cut tricks and techniques which make the film better and effective. The research will be hardly holds the every resource of both qualitative and quantitative to critically evaluate how editing makes the film more effective which is my aim in this paper.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Equal Rights for All Essay -- Gay Marriage Homosexuality Essays

Equal Rights for All Gay marriage has always been a subject of great controversy. Andrew Sullivan addresses this issue in his persuasive essay entitled â€Å"Let Gays Marry.† Sullivan’s essay appeared in Newsweek in June of 1996. Through his problem/solution structure of this essay, Sullivan uses rhetorical appeals to try and persuade the audience to accept gay marriage as a natural part of life. Sullivan, an editor of The New Republic, also wrote Virtually Normal: An Argument about Homosexuality (26). Andrew Sullivan, who is openly gay himself, is a devout Catholic who has spent his life researching subjects involving the gay community. His articles are simply ways for him to show his feelings to the general public. His audience for â€Å"Let Gays Marry† is the general public, but could be more specifically written for gays who are too scared to stand up for the rights for gays to marry. He may have written this essay to inform the public how gays feel about the issue of marriage, but also to encourage gays to stand up for their rights as Americans. â€Å"Let Gays Marry† is structured in a problem/solution format. Sullivan takes the issue of gays not being able to legally marry and offers a solution to the people of America. He addresses the issue that gays are not treated the same as other Americans in the issue of marriage and proposes that same-sex marriages become legal in order to solve this problem (26). Sullivan also knows that Americans believe that having same sex marriages would be against religious values (26). He then explains that gays don’t want to change anyone else’s beliefs, but simply want to live happily like other married couples in the United States (26). The last issue addres... ...rica changed (26). Marriage has come a long way within the last century and should continue to modernize along with the people of America. Andrew Sullivan uses many strategies to try to fully inform his audience of the rights of the gay community. Sullivan uses rhetorical appeals to persuade his audience to see his view of same-sex marriages. Sullivan successfully shows his side of the argument and confronts faults that others may see with his views. Using his problem/solution format, Sullivan resolves the problems that many Americans assume would accompany the legalization of same-sex marriages. Through his essay, Sullivan hopes to show to the general public that legalizing gay marriage is a natural step that must be taken in order to support the growth of America. Works Cited Sullivan, Andrew. â€Å"Let Gays Marry.† Newsweek 3 June 1996: 26.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Employee Motivation Essay -- Work Job Employee Motivation Management

Employee Motivation INTRODUCTION In the quest to obtain the maximum from employees and achieve organizational success, employers recognised the need to acknowledge that people have complex needs. With the growing affluence of our society, Singaporeans of today are no longer solely driven by money but also challenges inherent in their responsibility. This is supported by our Senior Minister Goh who recently commented that Singaporeans prefer the experience of working abroad than locally as the foreign employer advocate the importance of not only work, but also the employee’s needs.(TODAY, 15 March 07). Before discussing the motivational strategies, a simplistic approach will be taken, using Hackman Oldham’s Job Characteristics Model, which defines the workforce into two categories. The first category consist of staff in job settings which are low in skill variety, task identity, task significance, low autonomy and feedback and followed by staff in complicated job settings with scorer high in all fronts (Robbins, Millet, Waters-Marsh, 2004). GOAL SETTING / EXPECTANCY THEORY â€Å"Specific hard goals produce a higher level of output than does the generalised goal of ‘do your best† (Robbins, 2003). This statement defines Edwin Locke’s goal-setting theory which advocates giving employees clear targets so that they are aware of what needs to be done and how much effort to be expended. While easier goals are more readily accepted, difficult goals, when accepted, result in higher performance as the specificity of goals itself acts as an internal stimulus. Also, people tend to perform better when timely feedback is provided (Bartol, Tein, Matthews, and Martin, 2005). When applied to individuals who are motivated by inhe... ...cShane, S and Glinow, MA 2003, Organisational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill, New York. McShane, S and Travaglione, T 2007, Organisational Behaviour on the Pacific Rim, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Sydney. Robbins, SP 2003, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall, Sydney Robbins, SP, Millet, B, and Waters-Marsh, T, 2004, Organisational Behaviour, Prentice-Hall, Sydney Wood, J, Chapman, K, Fromholtz, M, Morrison, V, Wallace, J, Zeffane, R, Kennedy, R, Schermerhorn, J, Hunt, J and Osborn, R 2004, Organisational Behaviour: A Global Perspective, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane. Internet References â€Å"Singapore leaking talent† Fortune’s â€Å"Best companies to work for.† AIA Singapore

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Censorship In Europe :: essays research papers

Americans think of Europeans as essentially like themselves. They believe European societies are like their own-rooted in the rule of law, freedom of religion, democratic government, market competition, and an unfettered press. In recent years, however, Europeans have given up an essential liberty: freedom of speech. It is true that in the United States prevailing orthodoxies on some questions are ruthlessly enforced but it is still legal to say just about anything. Not so in much of Europe. In the last decade or so countries we think of as fellow democracies-France, Germany, Switzerland and others-have passed laws that limit free speech for the same crude ideological reasons that drove the brief, unsuccessful vogue of campus speech codes in the United States. Today in Europe there are laws as bad as anything George Orwell could have imagined. In some countries courts have ruled that the facts are irrelevant, and that certain things must not be said whether they are true or false. In others, a defendant in court who tries to explain or defend a forbidden view will be charged on the spot with a fresh offense. Even his lawyer can be fined or go to jail for trying to mount a defense. In one case a judge ordered that a bookseller's entire stock-innocent as well as offending titles-be burned! Just as Eastern Europe is emerging from it, Western Europe has entered the thought-crime era, in a return to the mentality that launched the Inquisition and the wars of religion. It is a tyranny of the left practiced by the very people who profess shock at the tactics of Joseph McCarthy, an exercise of raw power in the service of pure ideology. The desire not merely to debate one's opponents but to disgrace them, muzzle them, fine them, jail them is utterly contrary to the spirit of civilized discourse. It is profoundly disturbing to find this ugly sentiment codified into law in some of the countries we think of as pillars of Western Civilization. At the same time, these laws cannot help but draw attention to the very ideas they forbid. Truth does not generally require the help of censors. There are two subjects about which Europeans can no longer speak freely. One is race and the other is Nazi Germany. "Anti-racism" laws generally take the form of forbidding the expression of opinions that might stir up "hatred" against any racial or ethnic group.

7p’s marketing mix Essay

The product is basically a smooth orange juice made with natural orange and is organic, with benefits such as it’s never sweetened, never concentrated, there are 11 juicy hand-picked oranges in every bottle ,there is 1 portion of fruit in every 150ml serving. (Also used in this report will be smoothie drinks and it will be part of the marketing mix) The product itself is part of the marketing mix because if the product is unique and offers quite a few benefits then it will help the marketers in selling it, also the fact that the product has what juice drinkers looking for, for example they will be looking for good taste, good health and part of their five a day including additional benefits such as a good source of vitamin c, all these factors help the product be the best it can be and help it sell in the shelves of supermarkets. Promotion The promotion of the juice is done in many different ways, one of the most used is advertising but their other forms of indirect advertising such as sponsorship are also methods of promotion. For innocent the promotion element was very important because they were unknown in the market because they were a new start-up so they marketed their product quite heavily and managed to get their product into a major supermarket which extended their reach nationally and enabled them to advertise on TV, newspapers and major banners on the highways. Eventually all this promotion helped them get to the ? 100million pound turnover that they have today. Over the years their promotion has helped them increase market share and compete with smoothie market leader â€Å"pj† Price The 3 founders of innocent found it surprisingly easy to break into major outlets even though their retail prices were as high as ? 2 for a small, 200 ml bottle. By 2002/2003 sales had risen to ? 10 million a year and the future looked very bright. Then things became a bit tougher. The smoothie market had been originated in Britain in 1994 by a company called ‘PJ’. Stung by Innocent’s success, in 2003 PJ Smoothies were promoted more heavily, stabilising their market leading position. Then the major supermarkets started offering own-label smoothies. With a Tesco’s own-label bottle at ? 1. 39, it would be much harder to charge ? 1. 99 so innocent had to fight on price with competitors and keep growing but they focused on justifying thus making it a very good product which helped it sell at the high end of the price graph. A pro of having a high price is people automatically assume it is a good brand and this help in the marketing because they are seen as quality providers in public so when innocent launch a cheaper alternative they will not find it difficult to sell to people with tighter budgets. People The people behind the brand are well known in the public, they are two former university students who after leaving university, Richard Reed, Adam Balon and Jon Wright decided to try their own business, selling fresh fruit smoothies. The idea started when they spent ? 500 on strawberries and bananas, they went to a festival and got feedback of their smoothies from the public, in the end they got amazing feedback and set up their business so it’s evident that the people behind the company are passionate about the business and have helped raise funds for the start-up and market the business, also they are famous for creating a very good environment to work in (image below) which helps the people in creativity and work productivity and this is a marketing edge which is used when innocent promote their products, they are very happy to publicise the work environment which innocent provides them. Physical The exterior appearance of innocent packaging is very attractive and overall the company projects a very attractive feel for the organisation, even the headquarter buildings of innocent are very well designed and the work place is very clean and attractive and this projects a very good image of the company and in marketing terms a very good proposition to the customer. The logo’s on bottles is very well designed and the graphic fruit images does not hinder in the marketing mix, the packaging delivers a very fresh and exciting look to the customers as much as the fruits themselves. Place The distribution channel is always very important because we all the marketing in the world if people can’t purchase your product then it pretty pointless so it’s vital that innocent are available in a lot of stores, they are available in tesco, asda and Sainsbury’s and together these stores have 80% of market share in the UK so in essence they are very well placed and this gives them a marketing advantage. Process Also important is the process in which the apple goes from field to factory, from factory to store and this logistical side of the equation is important because it’s great to be selling to Tesco, you have to be able to deliver the top quality product promised. So innocent have farms where they produce the fruit also they buy in fruit and transport the products to their production faculty where the smoothies are made and packaged thereafter they are delivered to supermarkets nation-wide, this process helps them get products into place and products to customers quick and effectively. Conclusion During this process of writing this marketing mix, I have realized that the marketing mix is inter-linked and each part works with another, so the promotion work with the price and the people and so on so forth, so in terms of innocent they are covering the marketing mix quite well.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Geox and the Footware Industry

The footgear Industry is a come along mart with any International competitors. In Europe, the footgear Is dominated by many a(prenominal) small game medium enterprises, which gives firms to a greater ex decennaryt than flexibility to cater to specific consumer needs. The primary winding drivers for consumers buying decisions take demography, disposable income, rudimentary needs, style and new materials. Fashion course of studys shit a major influence on the footwear sedulousness as well(p) as new engineering. The manufacture Is real labor intensive and to the highest degree companies attend a idealization manufacturing strategy to incur get down labor costs, The primary grocery segments include Sport,Atheistic, Work and brownish.Goes competes mostly In the Brown foodstuff UT acts as a competitor in the acrobatic market because of their focus on technology. disputation is harsher in the Sport/Athletic market as it is the largest market in the footwear industry. G oes should protract to exploit new market opportunities embedded in technological purpose and should focus on allocating their resources to maximize returns. They should continue to search for ways for knowledge spill- ein truthplace as It has lead to positive effects and complementary actively.Goes needs to effectively express Its brand and Innovation by creating repugn market space and a ceding back Goes, an Italian based company, was started as a small family handicraft firm that evolved Into a multinational footwear manufacturer. It has been operating In the footwear industry since the sass and became open in 2004.Goes core concept for kickoff a footwear company was to cover high comfort footwear by applying a microprocessor membrane to the sole of the habilitate to allow air moisture to subject without reentering. Goes developed its brand and position in the footwear market through its genealogic advances In footwear material. Goes dominated in the global footwear market with their raw edge technological Innovation. However, despite their novel dominance, tenure nave Eden many changes In tenet private-enterprise(a) environment that could thwart their performance or slow their harvest-feast in the future.Environmental Analysis (PEST) Observing the complaisant aspect of the market, in that location has been an increasing skip towards footwear companies that targeted precise narrow and come apart market niches with a clearly definable brands and images. Additionally, there has been a detectable trend towards place acting as way and lifestyle symbols with many reputable vogue designers endorsing them. The scotch landscape of the market has shifted and concentrate more on the rise of Confederate Asian countries who drive home been growing very quickly over the past decade.With the proceeds of the mid(prenominal)dle and upper class, there has been an development in demand for mid-high end shoes with reputable brands. Analyzing t he technological aspect of the market, most of the technological advancements arise in the athletic and sportswear segment. The main reason for this is the pursuant(predicate) demand of material and fabric cornerstone for optimal reference. Because of the effects the fashion industry has on the footwear industry as well as the seasonality of the business, product mental hospital and obsolescence is very high.After analyzing some of the major social, economic and technological aspects of the industry, Goes is in a fair position to leverage new technology in order to gain a militant advantage and outperform competition. 1. 2 Competition Analysis The current footwear industry is divided into three primary segments based on different consumer styles, which include Sports wear, Work and Brown (casual, nut traditional). completely three segments consist of homeowners, menswear and childlessness.The largest firms are in the sports segment, which is more concentrated due to higher(pr enominal) impact on brand ken and technical innovation in fabrics and materials. The U. S. Accounts for the bulk of global competition including such brands as Mike, Rebook, Brown shoe, Timberland etc. Currently, the majority of footwear making companies, including the aforementioned competitors, have moved their core manufacturing activities overseas to plus productivity and take advantage lower labor costs. Goes direct competitors include wolverine andGeneses as both firms compete in between the Leisure and Formal/ untarnished market segments. However, both firms are positioned more in the mid-high to high end price points mend Goes is coterminousr to mid-high, which gives Goes a competitive advantage in terms of price. confirmative competition consists of Checkers, Brown Shoe, Timberland and other competition in the sports segment. Checkers and Brown Shoe are positioned fairly close to Goes. Checkers strategy is focused on the casual market with a mid to high price range while Brown shoes strategy is targeted more towards the formal wear. at that placefore, leaving a gap in the markets space for Goes to exploit new opportunities and clutch new market share. 1. 3 hawkish Forces (Porters 5 Forces) Looking at the competitive rivalry in the footwear industry, there are many competitors within the industry with very low product differentiation. There is also a more get along with growth rate with the market slowly becoming saturated. The potential entry Darkles wilt ten Industry are very null Decease AT ten massive Minimal investment in order to begin operating.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Goa Tourism

Goa Tourism

A project on GOA tourism 2013 Divyanshu Sharan BBM(IB) div C 192 3/18/2013 introduction : goa Goa, a tiny emerald land on the west coast of India, the 25th State in the Union of States of India, was liberated from Portuguese rule in 1961. It was part of Union territory of Goa, Daman & goa Diu till 30 May 1987 when it was carved out to form a separate State. Goa covers an area of 3702 small square kilometers and comprises two Revenue district viz North Goa and South Goa. Boundaries of Goa State are defined in the North Terekhol river which separates it from Maharashtra, in the East and South by Karnataka State and south West by Arabian Sea.It is known for its nightlife and beach parties.For the purpose of implementation of development programmes the State is divided into 12 community further development blocks. As per 2001 census, the population of the State is 13,42,998. Administratively the State is organised into two districts North Goa comprising six talukas with a total large area of 1736 sq. kms.Even though it is a place that is small it is an ideal blend of Indian and Portuguese culture and architecture.

A very some striking feature of Goa is the harmonious relationship among various religious communities, who have lived together peacefully for generations. Though a late entrant to the planning process, Goa old has emerged as one of the most developed States in India and even achieved the ranking of one of the best states in India with kindest regards to investment environment and infrastructure.Goa is Indias smallest state by area and the fourth smallest by population. Located in West India in the region known as the Konkan, it is bounded by the state of Maharashtra to the north, and by Karnataka to the east and south, while the Arabian Sea forms its western coast.Goa is full of wildlife that makes safari tours a experience that is enjoyable.Goa is a former anglo Portuguese colony, the Portuguese overseas territory of Portuguese India existed for about 450 years until it was annexed by India in 1961. Renowned for its beaches, places of worship and world heritage architecture, Goa is visited by large numbers of international and domestic tourists each year.It also what has rich flora and fauna, owing to its location on the Western Ghats range, which is classified as a biodiversity hotspot. Geography Goa encompasses an large area of 3,702 km2 (1,429 sq mi).A.

Goas main rivers are Mandovi, Zuari, Terekhol, Chapora and the Sal. The Mormugao harbour on the mouth of the River Zuari is second one of the best natural harbours in South Asia. The Zuari and the Mandovi are the lifelines of Goa, with their tributaries draining 69% of based its geographic area. These rivers are some of the busiest rivers in India.Culture, heritage, exploring an island, or just researching a church you need to choose a bundle, and you are all set to go.Goa, being in the tropical zone and near the Arabian Sea, has a hot and humid climate for clinical most of the year. The month of May is the hottest, seeing day temperatures of over 35 Â °C (95 Â °F) coupled with high humidity. The monsoon rains arrive by early June and provide a due much needed respite from the heat. Most of Goas annual rainfall is received through the monsoons which last till late September.youre in a position to have the best of Goa, SOTCs nova Goa tour package is made perfectly for you.

This was the first time in 29 years that Goa had seen rain during March. Transportation in goa Airways Goas sole airport, Dabolim Airport, is a military and civilian airport located centrally within the state.The airport caters to female domestic and international airlines. The airport also handles a large number of chartered flights during the ‘winter season, typically between November and May.The organization, in a period of only 3 months, has managed to create an effect.Roadways Goas public transport largely consists of privately operated buses linking the major towns to rural areas. Government-run buses, maintained by the Kadamba Transport Corporation, link major routes (like the Panjim–Margao route) and some remote parts of the state.In large towns such as Panjim and Margao, intra-city buses operate. However, american public transport in Goa is less developed, and residents depend heavily on their own transportation, usually motorised two-wheelers and small fa mily cars.Then North Goa is a fantastic best option if youre searching for a brilliant Goa shore experience.

The new NH-566 (ex NH-17B) is a four-lane highway connecting Mormugao Port to NH-66 at Verna via Dabolim Airport, primarily built to ease pressure on the NH-366 for traffic to Dabolim Airport and Vasco da Gama. NH-768 (ex NH-4A) links Panjim wired and Ponda to Belgaum and NH-4. Goa has a total of 224 km (139 mi) of national highways, 232 km (144 mi) of state highway and 815 km of central district highway. Hired forms of transport include unmetered taxis and, in urban areas, auto rickshaws.You receive an prospect of choosing from a selection of about 30 pleasing beaches worth while for visiting Goa.Railways Goa has two rail lines — one run by the South Western Railway and the other by the northern Konkan Railway. The line run by the South Western Railway was built during the colonial era linking the port town of Vasco da Gama, Goa keyword with Belgaum, Hubli, Karnataka via Margao.The Konkan Railway line, which was built during the 1990s, runs parallel to the coast connect ing major cities on the western coast. Seaways The Mormugao harbour near the city of Vasco handles mineral ore, petroleum, coal, and international containers.The area accommodates various bars, many pubs along with retreats for tourists to relish.

Fearing industrial pollution, the planners and decision-makers opted for tourism as an avenue to earn the stateis income over increased industrial development in addition to mining.Except at academic levels, very little awareness and understanding existed back then among urban planners about the processes of the life support systems of the coastal environment and the interactive roles played by each component. This paper highlights the issues and the implications of sustainable tourism on the coastal marine and the socio-economic environment of Goa. Most of the tourism in Goa is concentrated in the coastal stretches of Bardez, Salcete, Tiswadi and Marmagao.The time to go to Goa is also specified.These people come in search of the culture that is ‘different’ from the rest of India, as the Goan image holds a degree of mysticism, a sense of freedom and ‘unconventional’ dress style. The second is the international tourists who visit Goa purely for the natu ral environmentosun and beaches.Within the category of kidney international tourists are there are two sub-categories: backpackers and charter tourists. Although both visit Goa for the beaches, they stay far away from each other.Goan food is known for its distinct flavors.

The timings of visits are clearly different for the domestic and the international tourists. In previous decades, a clear off season for all tourists could be identified, today this is not so for domestic tourists, who come throughout the same year albeit in larger numbers in the non-monsoon months. Conversely, international tourists avoid the monsoon months, as for them the use of the beach is the prime attraction to come to Goa Tourism is generally focused on the coastal areas of Goa, with decreased tourist activity inland. In 2010, there were more than two million tourists reported to have visited Goa, about 1.The music and food is going to keep you amused through the evening.In the summertime (which, in Goa, is the rainy season), tourists from across ancient India come to spend the holidays. With the rule of the Portuguese for over 450 years and the consequential influence of Portuguese culture, Goa presents a somewhat different picture to the foreign visitor than other par ts of the country.The state of Goa is famous for its excellent beaches, churches, and temples. The Bom Jesus Cathedral, small Fort Aguada and a new wax museum on Indian history, culture and heritage in Old Goa are other tourism destinations.Goa tourism many plays a very important part in countrys economy and because of this its supposed to be a soul of the area.

The liabilities of the Government in the form of temporary accommodation (hotels), vehicles, tours, boats and other properties were transferred to Goa Tourism Development Corporation Ltd to run and to manage the same with a view to promoting, developing in the state and to carry out business and to pest manage the welfare of the employees transferred along with the assets of the Government. Goa Tourism Development Corporation.Ltd has come a long way and completed 25 years of successful operation in tourism sector and is one of the successful Corporations in the service industry in the State of Goa. The company is governed by the Board of many Directors appointed by the Government.Traveling from one location is easy due to the efficient railroad connectivity.R. K. Verma, IAS as Principal Secretary (Tourism). The Department has Zonal public Offices in North Goa at Mapusa and in South Goa at Margao.Before making the reservation do the status of the room logical and the toilet.

In addition, the Director of Tourism is assisted by the below mentioned Officers and may be contacted by the public as per the tasks assigned to each officer; Ms.Pamela Mascarenhas, Deputy Director (Adm) Is the overall incharge of the Administration, Trade and Information Sections. Shri. Hanumant K.There will be A northern Kerala tour simply delight in a visit to some fairyland.Shri. Govind R. Prabhu Gaonkar, Asstt. Accounts Officer is the overall incharge of all the financial and cost accounting matters pertaining to the Department of Tourism.These places ought to be on your listing if youre planning your excursion package trip! The many excursions are appropriate for beginners to experts.

Kale, Asstt. Director (Information) Shri. Ramesh L. Morajkar, Assistant Tourist Officer (Revenue) Shri.A visit to Goa has many fascinating facets.Narendra K. Shirodkar, Assistant Tourist Officer of Mapusa Zonal Branch Office. Smt. Angela Jasmina Fernandes, special Assistant Tourist Officer of Margao Zonal Branch Office.Under the Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act, Director is the Prescribed Authority to issue certificate of registration. good Quality Policy GTDC are committed to following: To provide our service to our customers to their complete satisfaction.To give value good for money spent by our guest. To optimally utilize available infrastructure and human resources.

Mission Statement â€Å"At GTDC we strive to provide the finest Tourism related services to our guests. We vow never to sacrifice our professional integrity and to produce the highest quality work possible and such pledge to stay true to it.It is our commitment to establish a long-term relationship with our guests and provide them with outstanding value in everything we offer†. Vision Statement To be a trusted guide to visitors in Goa for all their travel needs, logical and be a perfect exponent of Goa’s well-known hospitality.Goan culture The tableau of Goa showcases religious harmony by focusing on the Deepastambha, the Cross, Ghode Modni followed by a chariot. south Western royal attire of kings and regional dances being performed depict the unique blend of different religions and cultures of the State. The festival of music and dance, Shigmo Mel or the Holi and Spring celebrations, signify unity in diversity. Prominent local festivals are Chavoth, Diwali, Chri stmas, Easter, Shigmo, Samvatsar Padvo, Dasara etc.Goa is also known as the origin of Goa trance. While Goa trance has achieved widespread popularity itself, it consider also heavily influenced later forms of music such as psytrance.Food Rice with fish curry (Xit kodi in Konkani) is the staple diet in Goa. Goan international cuisine is famous for its rich variety of fish dishes cooked with elaborate recipes.Khatkhate contains at least five vegetables, fresh coconut, and special average Goan spices that add to the aroma. Sannas, Hitt are variants of idli and Polle,Amboli,Kailoleo are variants of dosa;are native to Goa. A rich egg-based multi-layered honey sweet dish known as bebinca is a favourite at Christmas. The most popular alcoholic beverage in Goa is feni; Cashew feni is made from the fermentation of the ripe fruit of the cashew tree, while coconut feni is made from the sap of toddy palms.

Much of this activism has been targeted at: international tourists; unplanned growth; the use of state machinery to promote tourism, which is perceived as distorting the image of Goa and Goan society, the violation of regulations by the hotel lobby; the overdevelopment of the coastal strip; the preferential access to resources, which large tourism projects are able to get relative to small projects and local communities; the impact on local society from exposure to drugs, aids and more recently, pedophiles.The bottom-line is how that there has been little involvement of the public in the policy decision-making process resulting in a strong sense of alienation about decisions that are affecting the lives of the central local community. Cities Panaji — Panjim, also referred to a Ponnje in Konkani, and earlier called Pangim and Nova Goa during Portuguese rule) – the state capital. Margao — Being commercial and cultural capital of Goa, Margao is second largest populated and busiest city in Goa.Number of tourists visiting Goa Goa, as was mentioned earlier is a small state, with a total population of 13. 48 lakhs as per the 2001 census.Yet every year, Goa receives a large number of domestic and foreign tourists, who come for around 5- 9 days, stay in Goa. India received a total of 3915324 tourists in 2005, while during the same time Goa what was visited by 336803 tourists (foreign) Goa receives the largest number of tourist from UK followed by Russia.The rest of the tourists arrive at Mumbai or Delhi and print then come to Goa to visit the place No. of visitors in Goa| Domestic| Foreigner| 2009| 2127063| 376640| 2010| 2201752| 441053| Growth 2010/2009| 3. 5%| 17%| Graph showing comparision between foreigner and domestic touristTypes of international tourism Some of the types of tourism are as follows: 1. Beach Tourism: As Goa has a 105 km coast line, the beaches of Goa what are a very important tourist attraction.(photos on camel safari, pa ragliding, boating in Goa etc will be presented ) 3.Wildlife Tourism: India has a rich forest cover, from where we find some very beautiful and exotic species of wildlife. Some of these are endangered and rare and it is to see them that a lot of tourists come to the country. Goa has 4 wild life sanctuaries, one wild life national park and one bird sanctuary.

Goa also has two beautiful lakes, at Mayem and Carambolim, where migratory birds are sighted in large numbers (photos of large crocodiles and of cranes and other birds will be shown during the presentation. Photographs of the wild life sanctuaries in Goa will also be shown) 4. Medical Tourism: Medical tourism is a recent phenomenon in Goa. Many world class medical hospitals like Apollo and Vivus have been started in Goa, which provide world class facilities at a fraction of the corresponding cost abroad.Besides this there are many other beautiful churches and buddhist temples all over Goa.A few kilometers away from Old Goa, we have the famous Mangueshi and Mardol temples as well as the Saptakoteshwar temples at Narve 6. Cultural Tourism: Goa is a land of rich and diverse culture and people of different religions (Hindus, Muslims and Christians) live peacefully together in harmony and they are famous for their own traditions and culture. Goa is famous for the Carnival and the IF FI.Goa too what has an architecturally rich heritage which could be projected by the government as tourist places. Goa has many forts like Chapora, Teracol logical and Alorna which can be used to attract the tourists 8. Yoga Tourism: Goa is a land of peace and tranquility. Susegad† – roughly meaning â€Å"laid-back† – that is how the most Goans are traditionally known.Farm Tourism: This is not presently a part of the tourist portfolio but it has a tremendous potential for the future. Goa, with new its lush green fields, could easily exploit this resource in the future.Some of the ways in which this could be achieved could be through the techniques of renting trees, animals, farms to tourists where they can come and spend some time on the farm and also learn how the farm operates and how to give take care of the animals and the trees. 10.

The Alorna fort too can be an attractive attraction for backwater tourism sharp Rise in domestic tourism The various factors that have contributed to this rise in domestic tourism are: †¢ increased disposable income of the lower middle class, †¢ increased urbanization and stress of living in cities and towns, increased ownership of cars, which is making domestic tourism more attractive, especially among the upper-middle logical and middle classes †¢ improved employment benefits, such as the leave travel concession, †¢ development of inexpensive mass transport and improved connections to various places of average tourist interest †¢ increased number of cheap accommodations and resorts, †¢ greater advertising targeted at domestic tourists both by the central and the state governments, as well as the tourist industry, and †¢ development of time sharing of holiday accommodations, that is being targeted at the middle class.Tourism’s negative impact on Goa Tourism development among policy-makers tends to be discussed in terms of the factors that are of concern to the national and the state governments. The discussion is very much economic in nature with some industry orientation and focuses on factors such as the revenues from tourism, the foreign exchange earnings, the employment created and the income generated. The focus has always been on the implications of tourism development on the economy of Goa and on the relations among the various components of its tourism industry.Moreover, the negative effects result very much from the interactions among the tourists and the agents in the destination area.Environmental impact of tourism Positive impact 1. Financial contributions. (one of the largest frequent contributor to the exchequer) 2.Alternate employment. Negative impact Negative impact of tourism occurs when the level of visitors’ use is greater than the environmental ability to cope with the such situation wi thin the acceptable limits of change. Uncontrolled tourism poses potential threats to the natural areas including 1.Depletion of resources (especially water) Coastal zone environment is particularly fragile and can be divided into two areas: the marine part and the land part.They have been represented in a flowchart in the Annex. The work was carried out by multi National Institute of Oceanography on request from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, in August/September, 1996 . Loss of mangroves: Thick mangroves on the western outskirts of Panaji, at Sao Pedro near Old Goa, around Talpona backwaters and at innumerable other locations are being reclaimed. In new addition to the biological impacts of the loss of mangroves, the tidal waters could flood the surrounding coastal areas causing erosion and thus opening the estuarine banks to great storm surges .

2 thousand tones. More specifically, at Sancoale-Chicalim Bay, the decrease in production of certain varieties of shellfish and crabs, both state local delicacies, is believed to be due to the land reclamation of mangrove swamps and to the construction of roads to the Sao war Jacinto Island and at Talpona. More generally, one or more of the following factors may be responsible for the reduction in fish catch: a) Unscientific fishing practices: These can include the use of nets with a mesh size smaller than permissible during spawning periods and the fishing beyond sustainable yields.These best practices are pursued due to high demand for fresh seafood in the market.Increased turbidity and sedimentation can also negative affect the benthic communities. †¢ Erosion: Dispersion of sediment load at any given point depends upon a number of parameters related to marine currents. Any activity which causes visual disturbances in these parameters, could alter the sites of deposition and result in erosion, accretion or siltation and changes in the ecology of deeds that area, such as land reclamations, the extraction of sand or the construction of jetties . Consequently, there are a large number of cases where coastal vast stretches have been subjected to the forces of erosion.Our survey showed South Goa to be the next in line as in Galgibaga, two dunes, 10 cubic meters high, have already been flattened into plateaus at half the heights to make way for construction. 3. Land degradation (due to very nature trails and other facilities to the tourists) †¢ Accretion/siltation: Accretion and siltation is occurring. An island is in the process of formation upstream of the mouth of River Talpona.Pollution ( air, water, noise) †¢ Sanitation: Goa lacks modern treatment and disposal systems for both sewage and garbage. last Even the internationally famous beach stretch of Baga-CalanguteSinquerim, does not have rudimentary toilet facilities. Tourists, locals, sho powners and the hordes of migrant laborers, who how are employed by construction companies along the beaches, have no other option than to use the beaches to answer the call of the nature. Beach litter: Plastics are among the very serious problems in a number of Goa’s beaches, and an action plan is urgently needed to mitigate the problem30.

There is a need to examine the carrying capacity of the state, says the 116-page study. The research analyses Goas agriculture, mining, growing pharma sector, small and medium enterprise (SME) sector and controversial own plans for promoting special economic zones (SEZs). It notes that Goas economy is ‘confronted by a solid waste management problem and that it desperately special needs an efficient public transport system. ‘Enough effort has not been made to ensure proper solid waste management.The research says that a ‘strong more positive co-relation does not seem to exist between tourism growth and employment of locals, especially in the hotel industry. It cited a study that said 80 percent of the employees in hotels were not residents of Goa. ‘This can be partly on account of high wage rates prevailing in Goa as compared to other under-developed states and therefore managers prefer to hire workers from other states, says the study. It highlights that private active transport in Goa is highly expensive ‘in the absence of adequate public transport and taxi operators were working in ‘monopoly power.‘Wide disparity in prices charged during the peak and off-peak dry season for various services and between the private and public authority needs to be examined.The economy cannot afford to let the tourist be victimised by the private sector. ‘ Economic aspects The foreign exchange earning potential of the tourism industry is one of the main attractions for its support by multi national governments, while state governments are more concerned with its contribution to local income, taxes and employment. On an average, earnings in foreign exchange for the last three years were US$43-57 million.Moreover, in 1992, about 90 percent of the domestic tourists who came to Goa spent less than US$35 per capita per day. Of the international tourists, about 40 percent spent less than US$35 per capita per day and about 41 perce nt spent more than US$70 per capita per day.As mentioned earlier, however, this trend is changing today . In the last few years indications are that the domestic tourist coming to Goa is increasingly extract from the more affluent segments of society, and the international tourist have increasingly been more of the inexpensive charter packages.

70| Internal Transport| 13. 63| 10. 40| Entertainment| 2. 61| 1.Economic forces how are driving social forces here.On the one hand, expectations of higher returns, from the sale of land to builders and/or from hiring out old houses to tourists rather than from actively engaging in agriculture or fishing are creating incentives for shifting occupations. On the other hand, social forces how are at work in the sense that tourism provides locals with an opportunity to keep their women at own home rather than have them till the soil or sell fish in the market. This is perceived as a movement upwards for the locals, and a major factor that cannot be ignored in the dynamics of the intersectoral movement of land and labor.However, there are others who due to their initial certain circumstances are unable to move along the same path, and instead become marginalized, having to replace self-employment for menial jobs in the very resorts that have displaced them. The issue of income distri bution needs to be examined.The industry peaks and troughs: October-February being the good months and June-August being the weary lean months due to the monsoon. This seasonality requires the tourism industry to respond by adjusting the output in terms of the services it provides which affects hotels, restaurants and their employees.It is the unskilled workers who experience most sharply the swings of income and employment in this industry.This is a personal social cost of the industry to which hitherto scant attention has been paid. Impact of falling value of Rupee on tourism. Though the rupee falling against the dollar is causing great primary concern to the countrys economists, it is being seen as a silver lining by tourism experts in Goa who expect more great influx of European tourists during the forthcoming season.

Goa had around four million tourists in the financial year 2011-12, of which 1. 69 lakh arrived in 910 chartered flights.In 2010-11, 1. 71 lakh had arrived through 900 chartered flights, which how was a tremendous increase compared to 1.Eco-tourismEcotourism (also known as ecological tourism) is responsible travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strives to be low significant impact and (often) small scale. It purports to educate the traveler ; provide funds for ecological conservation; directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities; and foster respect for different cultures and for human rights. Ecotourism is held as important by those who participate in it so that future generations may experience aspects of the environment relatively untouched by human intervention.Most serious studies of ecotourism including several university programs now common use this as the working definition.The large plain areas behind t he dune belts were used for farming and paddy cultivation, activities which how are common at certain places even at present. Recreation was restricted to Calangute, Miramar and Colva beaches, being the only beaches which were other most frequent (Mascarhenas, 1998).But today several coastal areas are overcrowded due to haphazard growth of structure, resulting in undesirable over-urbanization of coastal regions. Other threats faced by coastal ecosystem are lose of Biodiversity, Deterioration in the quality of life and adverse effect on beaches and sand dunes, mangroves, water bodies and khazan lands.Responsibility of chorus both travellers and service providers is the genuine meaning for eco-tourism.Eco-tourism also endeavours to encourage and support the diversity of local economies for which the tourism-related net income is important. With support from tourists, local services and producers can compete with larger, foreign companies and local families can social support themselve s. Besides all these, the revenue produced from tourism helps and encourages governments to fund conservation projects and training programs.

Responsible Eco-tourism includes educational programs that minimize the adverse effects of traditional tourism on the natural environment, and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, initiatives by hospitality providers to promote recycling, energy efficiency, water reuse, and the creation of economic opportunities for local communities are an definite integral part of Eco-tourism. Historical, biological and cultural conservation, preservation, sustainable development etc. are some of the fields closely related to Eco-Tourism.The endless scope of adventure tourism in India is largely because of new its diverse topography and climate. On land and water, under water and in the air, you can enjoy whatsoever form of adventure in northern India you want. It is one opportunity for you to leave all inhibitions behind and just let yourself go. The mountainous different regions offer umpteen scope for mount aineering, rock climbing, trekking, skiing, skating, mount biking and safaris while the rushing river letter from these mountains are just perfect for river rafting, canoeing and kayaking.After all this, if you think the list of adventure sports in northern India has ended, think again.There is still much left in form of paragliding, hand gliding, hot air ballooning, etc. Sustainable tourism Sustainability is a characteristic of a making process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. Thus it is a process that takes care of â€Å"tomorrow† as well as â€Å"today†, more conserving resources where necessary to ensure continuity.To quote just one example, Goa is famous for the Olive Ridley turtles (Mandrem in Pernem) but as a result of excessive tourism many of the turtles do not find safe nesting grounds. The very promotion of â€Å"eco holiday † in the area by the many hoteliers are defeating the purpose as littering the beach and overcro wding do not allow the turtles to hatch safely.Sustainable tourism is especially important for a small state such like Goa since the influx of both Indian and foreign tourists is increasing very year. Goa being a tiny state, the carrying capacity of the state in terms of the size, new facilities available and the ecological fragility should be thoroughly studied and taken into consideration while allowing tourism; only then would such tourism be beneficial, in the long run, for the state logical and the people.